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記憶模式: 25組
990是結合970(可透過電腦編輯) 790(可透過機器本身按鍵編輯)二者的特點
1.透過安裝軟體在電腦上 再透過軟體輸入想要噴印的資料 (這是970的特點)
2.也可透過機器上的小按鍵去輸入 (這是790的特點)
directly set the desired content to be printed on the machine via buttons.
set printing data and transmit through the computer.
print date/english/numbers (up to two lines, with a maximum of 20 characters per line, freely combinable).
memory mode: 25 sets.
applicable to flat or non-flat items, bottles and cans, regular or irregular items, tubular items, metals, glass, plastics, etc.
990 combines the features of 970 (editable via computer) and 790 (editable via machine buttons), allowing for two editing methods:
input desired printing data through software installed on the computer (characteristic of 970).
input data via small buttons on the machine (characteristic of 790).