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quicklabel ql-e100 具有獨立的全彩列印功能,可提供高品質、專業的結果。 ql-e100 專為新興企業和企業家而設計,易於使用、緊湊、便攜,並具有內建觸控螢幕介面,可實現無縫列印管理。 ql-e100 價格理想,是市場上入門級、用戶友好的標籤印表機的完美選擇
industry-leading print quality, simplicity, and affordability
the quicklabel ql-e100 features standalone, all-color print capabilities providing high-quality, professional results. designed with emerging businesses and entrepreneurs in mind, the ql-e100 is easy-to-use, compact, portable, and features a built-in touchscreen interface for seamless print management. at an ideal price point, the ql-e100 is a perfect match for those in the market for an entry-level, user-friendly label printer.