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活力能 vigourable-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
features of product 產品特點
◆ safe to use: vigourable is made from different traditional chinese herbal plants and food grade surfactant. it is low toxic and ecofriendly.
◆ 使用安全:活力能由不同的傳統中草藥和食品級界面活性劑製成。它低毒且環保。
◆ minimum pesticide resistance: because of the compound formula, developing resistance to vigourable is difficult for plant pathogens.
◆ 最小的農藥抗性:由於採用複合配方,植物病原體很難對活力能產生抗藥性。
◆high efficiency: most botanical pesticides have to be used before infection or be applied higher dosage, vigourable is an exception.
◆ 高效率:大多數植物源農藥必須在感染前使用或施用較高劑量,活力能是例外。