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[ forever rich ] organic fertilizer -凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
organic - [vigor]
- encourage holistic plant growth
- increase yield and quality
- maximize lush foliage
- support all growth stages
[ npk ]
nitrogen 2.4%, phosphorus 1.2%, potassium 3.4%, organic matter 23.1%
formula includes the element: soybean powder, fish meal, molasses, bamboo charcoal powder, lactobacillus sp., photosynthetic bacteria, yeast, bacillus sp.
[ main strains and benefits ]
lactobacillus sp.
produces organic acids to inhibit diseases.
photosynthetic bacteria
enhances rhizosphere beneficial microbe growth.
plant amino acid source, inhibiting pathogens.
bacillus sp.
secretes antimicrobial factors, inhibiting pathogens.
[ usage instructions ]
foliar spray: dilute at a ratio of 1:1000.
soil irrigation: dilute at a ratio of 1:500.
[dosage] apply 10 liters per hectare
[application cycle ] apply every 15-30 days