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[ forever rich ] organic fertilizer -凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
organic - [flowering & fruiting]
- boost flower abundance
- higher fruit set
- enhance fruit yield and quality
- prolong shelf life
[ npk ]
nitrogen 0.2%, phosphorus 2.1%, potassium 2.3%, organic matter 6.9%
formula includes the element: soybean powder, rice bran, wheat bran, maltose, lactobacillus sp., yeast, photosynthetic bacteria, bacillus sp.
[ main strains and benefits ]
lactobacillus sp.
breaks down organic compounds for better plant absorption. produces organic acids, lowering ph to inhibit pathogen growth.
provides abundant proteins as amino acid nutrients for plants. produces ethanol to inhibit pathogen growth.
photosynthetic bacteria
produces abundant proteins and carotenoids for plant absorption. decompose metabolites produced by soil pathogens.
bacillus sp.
secretes growth stimulants to promote plant root development. protects the rhizosphere and induces plant disease resistance mechanisms.
[ usage instructions ]
soil irrigation: dilute at a ratio of 1:300
foliar spray: dilute at a ratio of 1:500
[dosage] apply 20 liters per hectare.
[application cycle ] apply every 10-15 days