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phageprompt salmoguard meat-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
targeted action: the phage cocktail in salmoguard meat is designed to be highly specific to various strains of salmonella, including common serovars found in meat and poultry. this targeted action helps prevent salmonella contamination throughout the processing and production stages.
application in meat processing: salmoguard meat is applied directly during meat processing to reduce the risk of salmonella contamination and can be used in various stages, such as during washing, chilling, or packaging, to ensure comprehensive protection against salmonella.
natural and non-chemical: as a phage-based product, salmoguard meat offers a natural alternative to chemical disinfectants and antibiotics. leaving no residues and ensuring safety for use in food processing environments. this aligns with consumer demand for safer and more sustainable food production practices.