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原型蟲乾 -凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
★ rich in endopeptidase, phosphatase, glucosidase, peroxidase, and cellulase
☆ enhances protein absorption and maintains digestive function
★ aids intestinal peristalsis and ensures complete intake of high-quality insect protein
- 廠商名稱蟲小道大股份有限公司
【哺乳類 / 鳥類】蜜袋鼯 / 刺蝟 / 狐蒙 / 柯爾鴨 / 寵物鴨 / 鵪鶉 / 寵物雞 / 麝香豬 / 鸚鵡 / 睡鼠 / 銀狐鼠
【兩棲 / 水族】 豹紋守宮 / 肥尾守宮 / 箱龜 / 水龜 / 澤龜 / 斑龜 / 龍魚 / 七彩 / 藍舌蜥 / 松果蜥 / 角蛙
【哺乳類 / 鳥類】 1. 可作為主食餵食使用 2. 小動物互動零食使用 3. 捏碎混摻在原本的飼料中
【兩棲 / 水族】 1. 直接餵食作為蛋白質補充營養品 2. 兩棲類可直接餵食或泡水約30秒 - 1分鐘軟化後,沾取蟲原蛋白或鈣粉及維生素一同使用
★ rich in endopeptidase, phosphatase, glucosidase, peroxidase, and cellulase
☆ enhances protein absorption and maintains digestive function
★ aids intestinal peristalsis and ensures complete intake of high-quality insect protein
[suitable for]
[mammals / birds] sugar gliders / hedgehogs / meerkats / call ducks / pet ducks / quails / pet chickens / mini pigs / parrots, dormice / silver fox hamsters
[amphibians / aquatics] leopard geckos / fat-tailed geckos / box turtles / aquatic turtles / pond turtles / spotted turtles / arowanas / discus fish / blue tongue skinks / pinecone lizards / horned frogs
[usage instructions]
[mammals / birds]
can be fed as a main diet.
used as an interactive treat for small animals.
crumble and mix with the existing feed.
[amphibians / aquatics]
directly fed as a protein supplement.
for amphibians, feed directly or soak in water for 30 seconds to 1 minute to soften, then coat with insect protein or calcium powder and vitamins for use.