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產地 / 西合歡山北面至華崗一帶
海拔 / 2100 ~ 2500 公尺
產季 / 春、冬
香氣 / 花果韻與原始山林氣息,古法焙火烤米香
滋味 / 茶湯鮮爽,濃郁飽滿,甘醇溫潤,層次豐富
工藝 / 中氧化,中烘焙
plantation / north of west mt. hehuan to huagang
elevation / 2100 - 2500m
season / spring, winter
aroma / floral and primitive forest scent; with burnt rice aroma from ancient roasting technique
taste / refreshing, robust and mellow with rich layers
cultivar / chin shin oolong
shape / bolled
medium oxidation, medium roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
the tea originates from huagang plantation, which is renowned for its quality and health-conscious friendly-farming technique, in the west mt. hehuan (north-end) to huagang cold alpine region. processed using ancient tea-making steps of traditional manual stirring and tossing, followed by medium oxidation and slow manual roasting, the exquisiteness of the technique gives rise to this limited-quantity oolong tea which carries an elegant pine fragrance, fresh and sweet fruity aroma, dense and mellow mouthfeel, and strong and lingering aftertaste.