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產季 / 春、冬
海拔 / 2300至2600公尺
產地 / 北合歡山至大禹嶺周邊、華崗、天池一帶
香氣 / 清新秀雅的高山冷霜氣、高雅細緻鮮甜花香
滋味 / 甘醇濃郁、細緻溫潤;花果甜韻、餘韻無窮
工藝 / 輕中氧化,無烘焙
plantation / from taiwan’s lishan region to the periphery of dayu mountain elevation / 2200-2600m
season / spring, winter
aroma / fragrant alpine cold frost with beautiful unadulterated flavor that is highly stress-relieving
taste / sweet, mellow, rich, fine and mild with long-lasting aftertaste cultivar / chin shin oolong
shape / bolled
light-mid oxidation, no roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
originates from the region extending from lishan to the periphery of dayu mountain, where it is wet and cold throughout the year and subject to cold frosty winds. such an exceptionally gifted and favorable geographical environment boasting soil rich in organic matter, became home to the world’s earliest and highest altitude oolong tea planted in 1968. blended with wenshan pouchong’s refreshing floral aroma and dongding oolong’s ripe mellow aftertaste, the century-heritage of the unique tea-making technique realized this rarity product. the exclusive alpine flavor and sweet mouthfeel are well-liked by tea lovers.