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產季 / 春、冬
產地 / 臺灣臺中和平,南投仁愛一帶
海拔 / 1700至2100公尺
香氣 / 兼具臺灣傳統韻味與高山香氣
滋味 / 茶湯濃郁甘醇
工藝 / 輕中氧化,中烘焙
plantation / heping (taichung) and renai (nantou) elevation / 1700 - 2000 m
season / spring, winter
aroma / with both traditional flavor and alpine aroma taste / with richer and mellower tea liquid
cultivar / chin shin oolong
shape / bolled
light-mid oxidation, medium roasting
- 廠商名稱華剛茶業有限公司
uses 100% lishan oolong tea leaves that originate from central taiwan. with the tea-making experience passed down through five generations, careful selection by a professional appraisal team, and the continual adoption of the traditional exclusive slow roasting workmanship that condenses the aroma, the resulting tea is sweet, mellow and robust; it emits a strong roasted flavor when it is brewed. this fine alpine fragrance and hand-roast aroma is what drove all tea lovers who have tried it to add it to their collection. from planting, harvesting, processing and tasting to roasting, each step is under the strict inspection of hwa gung’s specialists; the aim is to produce premium lishan oolong tea with a unique roast flavor.