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通過iso 9001:2015與ce 認證
supercritical co2 20l/20lx2 extraction equipment
passed iso 9001:2015 and ce certification
- 廠商名稱台超萃取洗淨精機股份有限公司
2. 完整設備包括:萃取槽、分離槽、lco2儲存槽、觸控式增壓系統、冷卻系統、加熱系
3. 條件設定:plc人機介面自動控制系統操作
4. 系統壓力:最大操作壓力500bar (7250psi)
5. 系統溫度:最大操作溫度80℃
6. 設備尺寸: 4250 mm x 1000 mm x 2750 mm / 4750 mm x 1000 mm x 2750 mm
(1) operation temperature: max. 80℃
(2) operation pressure: max. 7250 psi / 500 bar
(3) operation capacity: 20lx2
(4) separation tank x2
(5) hmi and automatic control
(6) monitor and control system for pressure and temperature: 7" color touch panel hmi
(7) co-solvent pump
(8) heating system: electric heating
(9) cooling system
(10) co2 inner recycling loop.
(11) lco2 storage tank x2
(12) co2 recycling system : 70% recycling rate by pressure difference.
(13) certification:
a. iso 9001:2015 (design, development, manufacturing, and sales)
b. whole system pass ce certificate