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◎ may select weighing or sorting mode.
◎ may switch from kg to tai-kg.
◎ may speak in english.
◎ sorting product from 5 categories and each category consists of 16 grades.
◎ may setup from small to large or vise versa.
◎ may use as sorter or normal scale.
◎ built in rechargeable battery and circuit protection.
◎ big size weight 0.8" display.
◎ may select weighing or sorting mode.
◎ may switch from kg to tai-kg.
◎ may speak in english.
◎ sorting product from 5 categories and each category consists of 16 grades.
◎ may setup from small to large or vise versa.
◎ may use as sorter or normal scale.
◎ built in rechargeable battery and circuit protection.
◎ big size weight 0.8" display.
- 廠商名稱芃昕衡器科技有限公司