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hungarian agricultural overview from an investment perspective-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
hungary has deep roots that tie its land, people and economy to agriculture. the excellence that this nation has cultivated in this field over the course of its over 1000 year history are apparent today. to ensure quality products hungary’s constitution bans the use of gmo and while the government provides investment incentives such as fiscal loosening, cuts in vat and the lowest corporate tax rate in europe to aid profitability .
the hungarian trade office, taipei acts as the mediator between potential local investors and the hungarian investment promotion agency /hipa. on top of the attractive macroeconomic environment mentioned above, hipa offers a wide range of incentives for potential investors:
• up to 50% non-refundable financial support for investments ;
• up to 25% non-refundable financial support for r&d projects and up to 50% for training support2;
• active institutional and governmental support in2:
o developing ties to the local economy;
o finding the right investment location;
o information on investment opportunities;
o organizing b2b events and international exhibitions.
in a view towards the future, the government of hungary adopted the digital agriculture strategy in 2019 in order to expand competitive factors and contribute to increasing the profitability of agricultural . a well-developed national and international distribution system provides easy access to markets in both europe and globally. these factors result in the hungarian agricultural sector being the most profitable in the european union .
the hungarian trade office, taipei acts as the mediator between potential local investors and the hungarian investment promotion agency /hipa. on top of the attractive macroeconomic environment mentioned above, hipa offers a wide range of incentives for potential investors:
• up to 50% non-refundable financial support for investments ;
• up to 25% non-refundable financial support for r&d projects and up to 50% for training support2;
• active institutional and governmental support in2:
o developing ties to the local economy;
o finding the right investment location;
o information on investment opportunities;
o organizing b2b events and international exhibitions.
in a view towards the future, the government of hungary adopted the digital agriculture strategy in 2019 in order to expand competitive factors and contribute to increasing the profitability of agricultural . a well-developed national and international distribution system provides easy access to markets in both europe and globally. these factors result in the hungarian agricultural sector being the most profitable in the european union .
- 廠商名稱匈牙利貿易辦事處