dominant red d 853-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅

dominant red d 853 is a very attractive colored program with brown to red feathers all over the body. the program uses sexing options according to the genetically determined different flight feather growth rate; one-day-old cockerels have slow growth rate and hens have fast growth rate. it is very popular as final hybrid for self-sufficient farms. the capons are used for the production of traditional highly delicious poultry meat. the asset is the high productivity, namely laying about 300 eggs. brown eggshell color is characteristic.
this program is the result of cross breeding fast feathering rhode island red /rir paternal population with allele of the recessive gene "k" for feathering rate "k/k" and the slow feathering rhode island red /rir with a dominant allele "k" maternal population. when hatching one-day-old chickens, feather sexing using the "k/k" allele is applied, where one-day-old cockerel acquires the dominant allele of this "k" gene from the mother and is slow feathering and one-day-old hen acquires the recessive "k" allele from the father and is fast feathering, which is evident on one- day-old chickens’ flight feathers.
  • 廠商名稱dominant genetika s.r.o

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