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swing feeder r3 tube-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
the swing feeder r3 fattening tube is an ad-libitum hopper with swivel mechanism and adjustable flow. accessible from both sides, it includes the option of feeding fattening animals with feed in the centre of the dish and water on the sides. having separate feed and water makes it easier to handle dry food in the pipe.
• fattening
• weaning
• maximizes consumption and minimizes wastage of feed and water
• a constant water level in the drinking bowls on the side of the dish helps the smallest animals to adapt
• the smallest animals adapt quickly
• compact and resistant
• feed slides easily through the hopper without creating caves, and the mechanism does not block
• manual filling with starter feed made simpler
• dish that separates feed from water
• quick, easy and user-friendly adjustment
• wide outer diameter pipe to the hopper, which turns easily in natural imitation of rooting action
• monoblock construction with inserted pipes
• hopper designed to facilitate flow of feed with wide diameter outlet
• upper loading nozzle slanted to one side
the swing feeder r3 fattening tube is an ad-libitum hopper with swivel mechanism and adjustable flow. accessible from both sides, it includes the option of feeding fattening animals with feed in the centre of the dish and water on the sides. having separate feed and water makes it easier to handle dry food in the pipe.
• fattening
• weaning
• maximizes consumption and minimizes wastage of feed and water
• a constant water level in the drinking bowls on the side of the dish helps the smallest animals to adapt
• the smallest animals adapt quickly
• compact and resistant
• feed slides easily through the hopper without creating caves, and the mechanism does not block
• manual filling with starter feed made simpler
• dish that separates feed from water
• quick, easy and user-friendly adjustment
• wide outer diameter pipe to the hopper, which turns easily in natural imitation of rooting action
• monoblock construction with inserted pipes
• hopper designed to facilitate flow of feed with wide diameter outlet
• upper loading nozzle slanted to one side
- 廠商名稱rotecna sa