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chain feeding system-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
automatic chain systems for distributing feed are ideal for installations with many short lines or medium/long lines, with animals that are fed simultaneously with the same or different types of feed /allows the feed to return to the beginning of the line to avoid problems with the automatic stop system shutting off the last deliveries in the line.
• ø50 mm
• ø60 mm
• ø63 mm
• more efficient distribution of the feed
• less stress for the animals
• less labour
• greater control of the use of feed
automatic chain systems for distributing feed are ideal for installations with many short lines or medium/long lines, with animals that are fed simultaneously with the same or different types of feed /allows the feed to return to the beginning of the line to avoid problems with the automatic stop system shutting off the last deliveries in the line.
• ø50 mm
• ø60 mm
• ø63 mm
• more efficient distribution of the feed
• less stress for the animals
• less labour
• greater control of the use of feed
- 廠商名稱rotecna sa