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cyflow space-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
ultra-compact, high-end, multi-laser, benchtop flow cytometry system
configurations with up to 13 fluorescence parameters and 3 physical light scattering parameters
choice of lasers with 365, 375, 405, 488, 532, 561, 594, 638, 640 nm
maximum acquisition rate up to 25,000 signals/s
scatter particle size: 0.1 – 100 µm
fluorescence sensitivity: < 100 mesf (fitc), < 50 mesf (pe)
cyflow space – its flexibility gives you the space you need for your work
the cyflow space is a high-performance multi-laser flow cytometer, which offers the most flexible, simple and reliable features for routine and research work.
it is a compact multi-colour instrument for the analysis of individual cells and microscopic particles in suspension. the advanced flow cytometry technology of the cyflow space covers a wide range of different applications.
fluorescence excitation by one to five light sources covering a range from ultra-violet to red excitation lines. o analysis of up to 13 fluorescence parameters and three physical light scattering parameters from near uv to infra-red light.
analysis of cell and particle concentration by true volumetric absolute counting (tvac).
cell sorting by an optional cell and particle sorter.
fixed standard configurations and flexible customised configurations tailored to the user´s requirement.
walk-away automation by sample auto-loading from 96- and 384-well plates.
configurations with up to 13 fluorescence parameters and 3 physical light scattering parameters
choice of lasers with 365, 375, 405, 488, 532, 561, 594, 638, 640 nm
maximum acquisition rate up to 25,000 signals/s
scatter particle size: 0.1 – 100 µm
fluorescence sensitivity: < 100 mesf (fitc), < 50 mesf (pe)
cyflow space – its flexibility gives you the space you need for your work
the cyflow space is a high-performance multi-laser flow cytometer, which offers the most flexible, simple and reliable features for routine and research work.
it is a compact multi-colour instrument for the analysis of individual cells and microscopic particles in suspension. the advanced flow cytometry technology of the cyflow space covers a wide range of different applications.
fluorescence excitation by one to five light sources covering a range from ultra-violet to red excitation lines. o analysis of up to 13 fluorescence parameters and three physical light scattering parameters from near uv to infra-red light.
analysis of cell and particle concentration by true volumetric absolute counting (tvac).
cell sorting by an optional cell and particle sorter.
fixed standard configurations and flexible customised configurations tailored to the user´s requirement.
walk-away automation by sample auto-loading from 96- and 384-well plates.
- 廠商名稱台灣希森美康股份有限公司