highlyeffective crop fungicide | effective phosphite fungicide-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
recommended by icm agriculture alliance
for control of phytophthora, pythium, and downy mildew on food crops, turf, and ornamentals. fosphite® is an effective systemic fungicide. it has been approved by the epa as a ‘reduced risk pesticide’ for control of phytophthora, pythium, and downy mildew on food crops, ornamentals and bedding plants, phytophthora in conifers and pythium in turf. this label is registered in all 50 states and the district of columbia.
• boost plant’s natural immune response against pathogens
• provides slow release phosphorus and potassium
• help increase yield
• improve quality and uniformity
key features:
• excellent control of pythium, pytophthora, and downey mildew
• registered as a ‘reduced risk pesticide’ by the epa
• kills fungi and is non-phytotoxic*
• works both as a foliar and soil applied fungicide
• low application rate
for control of phytophthora, pythium, and downy mildew on food crops, turf, and ornamentals. fosphite® is an effective systemic fungicide. it has been approved by the epa as a ‘reduced risk pesticide’ for control of phytophthora, pythium, and downy mildew on food crops, ornamentals and bedding plants, phytophthora in conifers and pythium in turf. this label is registered in all 50 states and the district of columbia.
• boost plant’s natural immune response against pathogens
• provides slow release phosphorus and potassium
• help increase yield
• improve quality and uniformity
key features:
• excellent control of pythium, pytophthora, and downey mildew
• registered as a ‘reduced risk pesticide’ by the epa
• kills fungi and is non-phytotoxic*
• works both as a foliar and soil applied fungicide
• low application rate
fosphite is a systemic fungicide for controlling downy mildew, phytophthora, and pythium on crops.
registered as a reduced risk pesticide by us epa, fosphite acts systemically for several weeks.
the active ingredients in fosphite break down the metabolism and cell wall components of pathogens. fosphite then goes on to slow pathogen growth and inhibit their sporulation. by reducing pathogenic growth rate this allows plant defense systems extra time to develop and kill invading organisms. fosphite enables plants to recognize pathogens and quickly raise their own natural defenses against them.
control various diseases on crops, ornamentals, and bedding plants with fosphite safe and superior disease protection.
recommended use
fosphite has low application rates, which translate into lower cost. usually, one application a month is enough to control and prevent disease. use fosphite as a preventive control measure to keep your crops healthy all year long.
fosphite may be applied by various application methods, including foliar sprays, soil drench, soil incorporation, bare root dip, and air application. for foliar sprays, apply fosphite with sufficient water for adequate coverage of foliage, according to crop and growth stage.
registered as a reduced risk pesticide by us epa, fosphite acts systemically for several weeks.
the active ingredients in fosphite break down the metabolism and cell wall components of pathogens. fosphite then goes on to slow pathogen growth and inhibit their sporulation. by reducing pathogenic growth rate this allows plant defense systems extra time to develop and kill invading organisms. fosphite enables plants to recognize pathogens and quickly raise their own natural defenses against them.
control various diseases on crops, ornamentals, and bedding plants with fosphite safe and superior disease protection.
recommended use
fosphite has low application rates, which translate into lower cost. usually, one application a month is enough to control and prevent disease. use fosphite as a preventive control measure to keep your crops healthy all year long.
fosphite may be applied by various application methods, including foliar sprays, soil drench, soil incorporation, bare root dip, and air application. for foliar sprays, apply fosphite with sufficient water for adequate coverage of foliage, according to crop and growth stage.