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this solution utilizes temperature and humidity sensors to detect and collect humidity and temperature information. the data is then transmitted to a monitoring platform through a smart monitoring app. in the event of abnormal temperature data, management personnel are promptly notified via line message and e-mail, allowing them to address temperature discrepancies immediately. this assists warehouse and logistics operators in providing uninterrupted logistics services throughout the entire process.
utilizing a smart iot platform that integrates ble/wifi temperature and humidity sensors with a smart monitoring app, real-time monitoring and tracking of the status of goods throughout the logistics process are achieved. through continuous temperature and humidity tracking, immediate awareness of environmental changes enables better accountability and clarification in logistics services. furthermore, by collecting temperature data, issuing alerts for abnormal temperatures, and analyzing historical data, logistics operators can improve service quality. for biopharmaceutical products, this solution aligns with the requirements of the pharmaceutical inspection co-operation scheme (pic/s) good distribution practice (gdp), accelerating mit product penetration into global markets and enhancing international competitiveness.

1. ensuring proper storage temperatures.
2. implementing real-time alert measures through sensor tracking and alert management.
3. identifying error locations/personnel through gps integration.