短 鏈 胜 肽 short c hain p eptides-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅
採用酶解 釀造 技術處理,由穀物 分解萃取後的代謝物,破壞抗營養因子,降
低抗原量及對絨毛的傷害, 胜肽的分子量極小,富含功能性胜肽、螯合礦物質、天然左旋胺基酸、寡醣類碳水化合物、不知名生長因子等具生理活性刺激物質,更利於吸收利用,成長速度快,促進新陳代謝。 it is processed using enzymatic brewing technology to decompose the extracted metabolites from grains, destroy anti-nutritional factors, reduce the amount of antigens and damage to villi. the molecular weight of peptides is extremely small, and it is rich in functional peptides, chelated minerals, and natural physiologically active stimulating substances such as l-amino acids, oligosaccharide carbohydrates, and unknown growth factors are more conducive to absorption and utilization, fast growth, and promote metabolism. 經動物科技研究所試驗後,其生長效能、採食量、健康、增重,換肉率等均與頂級魚粉效果略同,為新型態優質蛋白源產品,其主要特點如下: after testing by the animal science and technology research institute, its growth efficiency, feed intake, health, weight gain, meat replacement rate, etc. are all similar to those of top-quality fish meal. it is a new type of high-quality protein source product. its main features are as follows:
與高蛋白原料比較可 調節飼料成本 。
√ 品質穩定可替代高風險原料(降低原料疫病風險)。 √ 產品穩定度高,可在酸鹼 環境或加熱處理 ,仍保持穩定不 會變性 。
√ 降低抗營養物質,減少動物腹脹和下痢。 √ 降低糞便臭味,友善鄰里環境。 √ 改善生長整齊度,方便管理效率。 √ adjustable feed cost compared with high protein raw materials. √ stable quality can replace high-risk raw materials (reduce the risk of raw material disease). √ the product has high stability and can be treated in acid and alkali environments or heat treatment, and remains stable without denaturation. √ reduce anti-nutrients and reduce abdominal distension and diarrhea in animals. √ reduce the odor of feces and be friendly to the neighborhood environment. √ improve growth uniformity and facilitate management efficiency.
低抗原量及對絨毛的傷害, 胜肽的分子量極小,富含功能性胜肽、螯合礦物質、天然左旋胺基酸、寡醣類碳水化合物、不知名生長因子等具生理活性刺激物質,更利於吸收利用,成長速度快,促進新陳代謝。 it is processed using enzymatic brewing technology to decompose the extracted metabolites from grains, destroy anti-nutritional factors, reduce the amount of antigens and damage to villi. the molecular weight of peptides is extremely small, and it is rich in functional peptides, chelated minerals, and natural physiologically active stimulating substances such as l-amino acids, oligosaccharide carbohydrates, and unknown growth factors are more conducive to absorption and utilization, fast growth, and promote metabolism. 經動物科技研究所試驗後,其生長效能、採食量、健康、增重,換肉率等均與頂級魚粉效果略同,為新型態優質蛋白源產品,其主要特點如下: after testing by the animal science and technology research institute, its growth efficiency, feed intake, health, weight gain, meat replacement rate, etc. are all similar to those of top-quality fish meal. it is a new type of high-quality protein source product. its main features are as follows:
與高蛋白原料比較可 調節飼料成本 。
√ 品質穩定可替代高風險原料(降低原料疫病風險)。 √ 產品穩定度高,可在酸鹼 環境或加熱處理 ,仍保持穩定不 會變性 。
√ 降低抗營養物質,減少動物腹脹和下痢。 √ 降低糞便臭味,友善鄰里環境。 √ 改善生長整齊度,方便管理效率。 √ adjustable feed cost compared with high protein raw materials. √ stable quality can replace high-risk raw materials (reduce the risk of raw material disease). √ the product has high stability and can be treated in acid and alkali environments or heat treatment, and remains stable without denaturation. √ reduce anti-nutrients and reduce abdominal distension and diarrhea in animals. √ reduce the odor of feces and be friendly to the neighborhood environment. √ improve growth uniformity and facilitate management efficiency.
粗蛋白 40.0%以上
粗脂肪 2.0%以上
粗纖維 8.0 以下
碳水化合物 40.0%以上
水分 10%以下
蛋白可消化率 93%以上
總熱量 350.0kcal/100g
胜肽分子量 約小於3000 da
儲存穩定度 在酸性環境或加熱處理,仍保持穩定不會變性
儲存條件 請存放於陰涼乾燥處
保存期限 12 個月 常溫 未拆封
包裝 25 公斤/袋
建議使用量 幼年期:25-50 公斤/噸(或依配方實際需要調整)
成長期: 5-12.5 公斤/噸
粗脂肪 2.0%以上
粗纖維 8.0 以下
碳水化合物 40.0%以上
水分 10%以下
蛋白可消化率 93%以上
總熱量 350.0kcal/100g
胜肽分子量 約小於3000 da
儲存穩定度 在酸性環境或加熱處理,仍保持穩定不會變性
儲存條件 請存放於陰涼乾燥處
保存期限 12 個月 常溫 未拆封
包裝 25 公斤/袋
建議使用量 幼年期:25-50 公斤/噸(或依配方實際需要調整)
成長期: 5-12.5 公斤/噸