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lettuce grow light-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅

reduce the growth cycle, increase yield, and reduce electricity and maintenance costs
suitable for indoor cultivation on scaffolding, hydroponics of crops of high economic value, providing stable energy for plants that imitate sunlight, increasing productivity and shortening the growth cycle, producing high anthocyanins and carotenoids, and reducing the number of plant lamps with a long life of 5-10 years cost expenditure, high-efficiency plant lights create rapid cost recovery for crops
足場を使った屋内栽培、経済価値の高い作物の水耕栽培、太陽光を模倣した植物に安定したエネルギーを供給、生産性の向上と成長サイクルの短縮、アントシアニンやカロテノイドの高生産、長寿命の植物ランプの数の削減に適しています。 5 ~ 10 年コスト支出、高効率の植物照明により作物のコストを迅速に回収