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gene agri aqua ecosystem biotech co., ltd.-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅

  • booth no.j716
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company profile

gene agri aqua ecosystem biotech (agriaqua) was founded in 1993. after continuous research and development, three major themes had successfully established: agriculture, animals, and environmental protection. the microbial agents were launched into mass production in 1994.

agriaqua is committed to build up an innovative research team with strong technical foundations for developing multiple strains to do fermentation and produce fermented byproducts. with high-tech manufacturing plants and professional teams, we acquired the iso 9001-certification, which certifies that our company is convenient, safe, and high-quality for r&d and manufacturing.

agriaqua provides a diverse animal feeds that caters to different needs. we also develop innovative and antibiotic-free products to support safe and sustainable aquaculture. moreover, our products have the ability to improve feed utilization rate, reduce the odor in composting fields, strengthen disease resistance, and increase the harvest of crops, etc.

as human health and environmental awareness are gradually being valued, the development of natural microbial agents has become an increasing trend in agriculture. we insist on that our responsibility to supply natural and health functional feeds to the world, and help reduce environmental pollution to promote the development of green natural agriculture.