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wuyo international enterprise co.,ltd.-凯发k8娱乐旗舰厅

  • booth no.j911
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company profile

1965年 the brand of qi-xin was founded. in order to secure a position of superiority in the diversified cement product industry of taiwan, qi-xin embodies thespirit of quality first and service recent years deteriorating environment, severe water pollution, groundwater and pond filtration, and aquacul ture circulation all lack effective system management. ordinary filtration systems overuse electricity, water, labor, equipment, etc. therefore we have decided to join the green industry. 2010年 the beginning of wuyo powerful filter technology r&d center. starting with water, the aims of our research and development center are high-efficiency and high-quality; as well as flawless design, premium price and lifelong service in order to achieve a win-win situation. 2011年 obtained the first patent from taiwan r.o.c. patent. 2013年 dived into the industry of manufacturing stirringfiltration equipment. hired elite teams for design, research and develop ment, manufacturing, planning, marketing, and installation; thus making one business that can fulfill a customer’s every need, and causing the brand of mit to rewrite the history of the water filter industry.relying on a spirit of business continuity and responding to the government’s promotion of green industry has helped to improve the living environment and to achieve effective conser vation of water, electricity, labor and money. 2015年 received the patent of the republic of china and the people’s republic of china. the patent of the united states of america is in the process of application. consequently, we are domestically and internationally recognized for our quality and integrity. 2017年 exported to europe, the netherlands, china, indonesia, malaysia, singapore and other southeast asian countries. cumulative sales exceeded 1,000 units, and set up factories in taiwan and dongguan, china. 2018年 obtained invention patents from the republic of china and the united states, and set up factories in xizhou, taiwan and quanzhou, fujian, china. 2020年 additionally builds taiwan, fujian, zhejiang, singapore, malaysia and so on sells the circuit. accumulation sales volume 1500 sets. buys the non-sorrow headquarters factory to manage with, estimate work headquarters area 480 level ground, factory base area 900 level ground.
